
Showing posts from May, 2021

Haworthia and Succulent Care Guide ('TLDR' version)

Concise Haworthia and Succulent Care Guide Soil : Must be well-draining. Haworthias can be grown successfully in plain potting soil if watered properly . If you have a tendency to over-water plants, or want to play it safe, use a gritty mix (100% pumice) or 50/50% perlite and potting soil. Growing Medium and Container Guide Pot : Choose a pot only slightly larger than the plant, with drainage, at least 4” deep. Water : Watering is the hardest skill to master with Haworthias. Keep the soil lightly damp, allowing it to dry out slightly once in a while. Never allow the soil to stay saturated for longer than a day or two.  In-depth watering guide Light : Bright indirect light (minimum 2~4 hours of direct sun) to full sun (must be well established and slowly acclimated).  Light, acclimation, and etiolation guide Temperature : Hardy down to 36F, prefers mid 50’s to high 70’s for optimal growth. Hot nights bring about dormancy. Fertilizer : If using a high quality potting soil, no ad...

Henry's Haworthia - About Us

Henry's Haworthia - A Labor of Love Beginning as a small hobby, our operation has now evolved into a small business. Our mission is to share God's love with others through the beauty and diversity of His creation! As succulents grow in popularity as houseplants, we hope that our specialization in growing Haworthia plants will help to get the word out about this incredibly diverse and beautiful genus. We also hope that by sharing our personal experience with growing these plants, as well as knowledge curated from a variety of sources, we can enable your success in keeping and caring for these sometimes rather sensitive plants at home. Resources for fellow Haworthia collectors and growers: These are written to be Haworthia-specific, but may also apply to all sorts of succulents! Watering Guide Transplanting, Salvaging, and Re-Rooting Haworthia guide Container and Growing Medium Guide Cultivation - Form and Color - Coming soon! Fixing Etiolation & Light Acclimation Guide Gener...

Haworthia Watering Guide

Watering Haworthias - A Detailed Guide Written by Miles Ridgway - Henry's Haworthia (owner) Haworthia watering guide? Don't I just.. you know.. water it? Well yes, but... Why is watering correctly so important? How growing medium and external conditions affects plants' water needs Clues to help you determine how wet or dry a plant's container is How often should I water Haworthias? 1. Why is correct watering so important? Watering can be the most difficult skill to master when keeping Haworthia plants. Anyone who has kept succulents indoors knows that they live or die a horrible, mushy death depending on how they are watered. Because of their tuberous roots, Haworthia are even more sensitive to overwatering in many cases. Native to the rocky outcrops and sandy soils of South Africa's Cape, Haworthia are just not created to put up with sitting in soggy soil, as with most succulents. This is why even seasoned tropical houseplant experts may struggle with succulents a...