Henry's Haworthia - About Us

Henry's Haworthia - A Labor of Love

Beginning as a small hobby, our operation has now evolved into a small business. Our mission is to share God's love with others through the beauty and diversity of His creation! As succulents grow in popularity as houseplants, we hope that our specialization in growing Haworthia plants will help to get the word out about this incredibly diverse and beautiful genus. We also hope that by sharing our personal experience with growing these plants, as well as knowledge curated from a variety of sources, we can enable your success in keeping and caring for these sometimes rather sensitive plants at home.

Resources for fellow Haworthia collectors and growers:

These are written to be Haworthia-specific, but may also apply to all sorts of succulents!

External Resources That We Highly Recommend:
Our Pages:

About us:

Miles Ridgway, Henry's Haworthia owner-operator, has been a gardener all his life and started collecting Haworthias in 2016 after becoming fascinated with their diversity, colors, and glassy 'crystal-like' qualities. What began with a couple specimens quickly turned into a collection of 200+ distinct varieties, which "grows" to this day. Henry's Haworthia is named after Heidi's pet house rabbit. Once, Henry snuck into the collection room and took a bite from several different specimens, and Heidi jokingly said he thought we were growing them for him to eat.

This is Henry.

Miles has worked in the horticulture industry for seven years, at a wholesale plant nursery, managing a retail garden center, and serving as a landscape designer, arborist technician, and tree climber. He also attended three sessions at Washington State's Pilchuck Glass Blowing School and is currently living his dream of blowing glass in his own hotshop, while also working as a substitute teacher.

Miles & Heidi Ridgway at Grand Canyon National Park, AZ - North Rim

Miles and his wife, Heidi, are from central Pennsylvania and like to travel. They lived in the state of Washington for five years, spent 11 months in Central Kentucky, and returned to Pennsylvania during the summer of 2021. Heidi thoroughly supports Henrys Haworthia but has limited interest in plants herself and is content as a "silent partner." They are very active in their local church.

Miles hiking Death Valley National Park, CA

Miles is an avid hiker, loves the outdoors, and enjoys seeing all of the unique landscapes across the United States. He likes science, music, movies, gardening, carpentry, and art.

H. mucronata var. mucronata
image credit: our image
H. cuspidata
image credit: our image

Haworthia cuspidata and Haworthia mucronata var. mucronata are the first two varieties that we collected; however, like many other collectors, it was Haworthia cooperi var. truncata that 'sealed the deal' with its large, clear windows and stunning stress colors.

H. cooperi var. truncata - the one that 'started it all'
image credit: our image

H. transiens - a favorite
image credit: our image

Successful leaf props
image credit: our image

Some early lessons about etiolation...
image credit: our image
Offset propagation
image credit: our image

One of our first indoor setups - promptly moved to the garage after Henry munched on several plants inside the house!
image credit: our image

Sun colors or 'stress' colors are one of our very favorite things about Haworthia!
image credit: our image

..As well as those large, crystalline windows.
image credit: our image

image credit: our image

image credit: our image

image credit: our image

image credit: our image

image credit: our image

Thank you!

Questions, comments, suggestions? Contact us directly:


John 3:16

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